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 Home > CORES HAN > HAN Profile > Your Profile


Your profile is a collection of information that identifies and defines you in the CORES HAN solution. Appearing near the top, in addition to your image and name, is the active/inactive/closed indicator, your email address, the percentage of profile completion, and possibly, a note about items that need your attention.

The profile consists of six sections by default, including Basic Information, Consent, Personal Information, Contact Information, Membership, and HAN Roles and Categories, that you or an administrator should complete.

However, these sections and the questions contained within them can be configured to more accurately and effectively collect the information that your organization requires.

Basic Information

By default, the Basic Information section consists of five fields, including your email address, first and last name, system role, and status, that are used to create and maintain your account.

To make changes to the information on this page, simply click within the field you want to edit and enter the information. Remember to click Save.




Your main email address, which will be used to log in to the solution.

First Name

Your given name.

Last Name

Your family name.

System Role

Your system role controls your access to features and functions in the solution; however, your access is modified based on the membership roles you are appointed within each organization.

Only System Admins can change your system role.


Your status controls access to the solution. Only System Admins and Client Admins can change your status. Use Status to activate, deactivate, or close the user's account.

  • Active: Users with active accounts receive notifications. In addition, their names appear in search results and in organization or group member lists.
  • Inactive: Users with inactive accounts do not receive notifications. Their names do not appear in search results or in organization or group member lists.
  • Closed: Users with closed accounts cannot log in to the system or receive notifications. Their names do not appear in search results or in organization or group member lists.
  • Deleted: Users with deleted accounts cannot log in or receive notifications. They are permanently removed from the solution.


By default, the Consent section consists of any agreements that your organization requires for participation in CORES HAN. To use the solution, all users must agree to the consent statements on this page.

Note: Depending on the configuration of your solution, this page may not be available.

Personal Information

By default, the Personal Information section offers additional information about yourself that may be required by your organization to activate your account or assign you to positions.

Note: Depending on the configuration of your solution, this page may not be available.

To make changes to the information on this page, simply click within the field you want to edit and enter the information. Click Save.

Contact Information

By default, the Contact Information section allows you to enter additional email addresses, phone numbers, and any emergency contacts that you want to have associated with your profile.

To manage your contact information

  1. To add information, click + Add Email, + Add Phone Number, or + Add Emergency Contact.
  2. To make changes to the information on this page, simply click within the field you want to edit and enter the information.
  3. To reorder emails or phone numbers, click the reorder icon on the left and drag the field to the correct position.

    Note: Attempts to contact you will follow the order of your contact information. Please list the best email or number on the top.

  4. To delete information on this page, click the delete icon on the right.
  5. Click Save.


By default, the Membership section identifies the organizations to which you belong and indicates your role and membership status for each organization. If you have sufficient permissions, you may be able to select and approve organization memberships for your organization.

Note: Depending on the configuration of your solution, this page may not be available.

HAN Roles and Categories

By default, the HAN Roles and Categories section allows you to identify the occupational roles and categories for which you are qualified according to the Health Alert Network. The roles and categories available in your solution can be configured by a Juvare System Admin to populate the page.

Note: Depending on the configuration of your solution, this page may not be available.

To make changes to the information on this page, click the corresponding field and search or navigate to select the appropriate role or category. Click Save.