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Home > EMResource > Guide - View Setup > Copy a View


Authorized administrators can use an existing view as a "template" for a new view by copying it, and then changing its detail, status types, and resources.

To copy a view

From any page, open the Setup menu in the main navigation bar and
  1. In the main menu, click Setup and then click Views. The Region Views List opens.

  2. Locate the view

you want to copy and
  1. and, on that row, click Copy. The Create View: Copy page opens to the General tab.

  1. On each tab,

select or
  1. enter the appropriate information, then click Next.

    General tab

    View Name

    Specify the name of the view (required). This name appears in the View menu and in the view's header.


    Enter a description of the view. The description is for administrative purposes only.

    Select Sub-Resources Types to be included in the view

    Select the sub-resource types that can be available in the view. When selected, the primary sub-resource of that type may appear in the view, depending on other selections you make.

    Regions tab

    Select regions to be included in this view.

    Select one or more regions to include in the view.

    Resources tab

    Select resources to be included in this view.

    Select resources to include in the view.

    Tip: You can sort the list by name or you can use the search fields at the top to locate the specific resources.

    Status Types tab

    Select status types to be included in this view.

    Select status types to include in the view. You can include daily and event-only status types.

    Tip: You can sort the list by name or you can use the search fields at the top to locate the specific status types.

    Sort Status Types tab

    Adjust sort order for selected status types.

    Specify the order in which the status types should be displayed in the view.

    You can also specify alphabetic order by clicking the Sort alphabetically option at the bottom of the tab.

    Advanced tab

    Configure settings for resource types in this view.

    Configure each of the Resource Types listed and specify the order in which the resource types appear in the view.

    By default, all options are selected.

    You can include the New Resource Types added in future option when setting the order. If new resource types are added in the future, they appear in the view where this option appears in this list.


    Region to which this resource type belongs.

    Resource Type

    Resource types included in the view.

    You can change the name that appears in the view for these resources. This comes in handy when creating multi-region views since Resource Type names may be repeated among regions. Or, you might want to change the name to one that fits better with this particular view.

    Statuses by Column

    Select to show statuses in the view in columns rather than rows (not selected).


    Select to show in the view any comments that were entered the last time the status was updated.


    Select to show in the view the date and time of the last update to the status.


    Select to include in the view the name of the user who last updated the status.

    Future Resources

    Select to automatically include in the view any resources that are added to the resource type in the future.

    Sort Resources

    Sort resource information by choosing one of the following: Name, Status, Custom.

    If you choose Name, select ascending or descending order.

    If you choose Status, select the status by which to sort and, if appropriate, select ascending or descending order.

    If you choose Custom, set the sort order for resources or specify they should be sorted alphabetically.

    New Resource Types added in future

    Select to automatically include in the view any resource types that are added to the region in the future.

    You can only specify this option for the originating region that is, the region you or another user was logged into when the new view was set up.

    Sort buttons

    For quick sorting, use the buttons at the bottom of the table to sort by region, resource type, or region and resource type.

    Other Options: Display Status Type Summary

    Select to include grand totals at the bottom of the view. A grand total appears for each numeric status type that is set up to display summary totals.

    Fix columns width

    Select to apply a fixed width to the Comments, Last Update time, and last update By User columns.

    Users tab


    Select the check box to make the view available to all users in all selected regions or clear it to select individual users.

  2. Click Save.

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