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Home > EMResource > Guide - Roles > About User Rights


A user's rights govern the views and features to which the user has access. Administrators can assign these rights to:

  • Roles - when creating or maintaining a role.

  • Users - when creating or maintaining a user profile (Advanced Options section) or managing a user's role.

The list of roles appears in the Create Role, Edit Role, Create New User, and Edit User pages in alphabetical order. The name of each right begins with the appropriate EMResource component so that related rights appear in logical groupings. For example, all event-related rights begin with the word Event and those related to forms begin with the word Form.

Read the following to review access examples and learn the definitions of individual rights.

Access Examples

Roles allow you to assign a specific set of rights to users without having to control individual rights in every user's profile. Roles work hand-in-hand with the resources to which the user has been granted access.

Example: Jane has a role that includes the Report - Status Detail right. Jane has the following resource access



  • Resource A - View Resource

  • Resource M - View Resource, Update Status

  • Resource Z - View Resource, Run Reports

Jane can run Status Detail reports for Resource Z only.

Refer also to Manage a Resource's Users.

Note: To be able to add or edit sub-resources, the user must have one of the following: (1) the user (or the user's role) must have the Setup Resources - Add and Edit right, - OR- (2) the user must have the right to update the specific resource AND the user (or the user's role) must have the Setup Resources - Edit Only right.

Right Definitions

The following table lists and describes the rights that administrators can assign to user roles and directly to individual users.

Note: When viewing Additional User Rights that you can add to a user's profile, a red asterisk (*) may appear next to a right. This indicates the right is inherited from this user's role, meaning the user already has these rights. Refer also to Create a User and Edit a User.



Event - Maintain Ad Hoc Events

Start and manage ad hoc events. 

Event - Maintain Event Templates

Add and otherwise maintain event templates, including event notifications.

Event - Maintain Events

Manage instances of an event, including the event's status types and the resources associated with the event; begin, update, and end events.

Form - Do not participate in forms for resources

Exclude form participation based on resource involvement; participation is limited to forms sent to individual users.

Form - User may activate forms

Access a form and either complete it or send it to another user to complete.

Form - User may configure form security

Set and maintain the set of users who can activate and/or report on a form.

Info - Edit Regional Message Bulletin Board

Add to and maintain the region's Message Bulletin Board (Regional Info > Calendar).

Info - Maintain Document Library

Add to, change, and otherwise maintain the region's document library, including organizing, uploading, moving, and deleting documents.

Info - View User Information Only

View a list of regional users; no edit rights.

Instant Messaging - Initiate Chat Session

Initiate Instant Messaging sessions (individual and group chats) and invite users to participate; users who do not have this right can participate in chats started by other users.

IPN - Create Incoming Patient Notifications

Able to manually create incoming patient notifications.

IPN - Receive Incoming Patient Notifications

Able to receive incoming patient notifications for their resource or resources. These notifications include the patient's age, ETA, chief complaint, and triage category.

Preferences - Do NOT send User Info reminder emails

System can be configured to send user profile reminders at specific, region-defined times; when this option is selected, the system does not send reminders to this user.

Preferences - Edit Event Notification Preferences

Add to and maintain the user's own event notification preferences.

Preferences - Edit Status Change Notification Preferences

Add to and maintain the user's own notification preferences for changes to resources' statuses.



Generate the specified report (when appropriate) for resources:

  • Event Detail*

  • Event Snapshot^

  • Form reports

  • Incoming Patient Notification Detail

  • Monthly Status Assessment+

  • Status Detail+

  • Status Reason Detail+

  • Status Reason Summary+

  • Status Snapshot^

  • Status Summary+

*Event Detail reports include the resources that this user is allowed to update.

+Most status reports include only those resources to which the user has access.

^Exception: Status and Event Snapshot reports show all resources associated with the event. If a user does not have full access to one of these resources, the report includes the name but no details.

Setup Other Region Views

Change order of other regions' view; assign users view-only access to other regions.

Setup Region Information

Set up, add to, and maintain the region's details, including contact information.

Setup Region Views

Create and maintain region views; specify the region or regions to include in the view; specify resources and status types included in the view and the order in which they appear; assign to users.

Setup Resource Types

Set up and maintain groupings of resources, including associated status types.

Setup Resources - Add and Edit

Add and maintain resources and sub-resources, including contact information.

Setup Resources - Edit Only

Can edit information about a resource (if granted update resource right) and its sub-resources, but cannot set up a new resource.

Setup Roles

Add and maintain user roles and the rights associated with each.

Setup Status Reasons

Add and maintain status reasons that can be associated with statuses.

Setup Status Types

Set up and maintain status types, including the roles with view and update rights.

Status - User must update overdue status

Must update overdue statuses for resources to which the user has update rights. The system sends a notice that prompts the user to update overdue statuses except when:

  • An automatic status change is scheduled to take effect upon expiration
  • The status type is set to "do not prompt"

User - Configure Regional User Access

Add and maintain user accounts, including their roles, the regions they can view, the resources to which they have access, and their notification preferences.

If your region enabled delegated user management, this right allows you to create resource-level administrators. These administrators can manage users for their resources. You also decide the roles each of these administrators can assign to the users they

This right is generally reserved for the regional administrator.

User - Reset Password Only

Reset a user's password; cannot otherwise edit a user's profile or add a user.

View - Override viewing restrictions

User can view all resources/status types regardless of viewing restrictions

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