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Home > eICS > Guide - Contacts > Contact Upload Template and Report


During the Planning phase,

Domain and Facility Administrators can

manually add contacts or

use the Contact

Upload template to quickly add multiple contacts to their facility

Template to generate a contact report, as well as add, update, and remove contacts



Contact Template is a

Microsoft® Excel® file (.xls or .xlsx)

comma-separated values (CSV) file that is structured with columns

for specific information in a specific order

and rows. The column header indicates

what information should be provided there and the color of the column header indicates whether or not that information might be required. Information requirements are

the type of information and rows are populated with the corresponding information for each contact.

Note: Required information may be contingent on other fields. For example,

a primary email is only

the Login Email is only required for internal contacts that

are granted

have Facility Access and are expected to log in to eICS.

By downloading the Contact Template, you automatically generate the Contact Report. This report contains the information for all contacts at all facilities you administer.

You can examine the report using a spreadsheet solution that accepts CSV files. The data in the report can be updated or removed, and new data can be added. In this way, you can effectively review and manage your contacts. 

After making changes to the data, you can upload it into eICS to update your facility contacts. During the upload, contact information is automatically validated. Validation detects errors and identifies them in the Validated File, which can then be downloaded for review and correction before uploading the file again. When the upload process is complete and the contacts have been created, eICS sends

the standard Welcome

a welcome message to


 contacts that are new

contacts to help them get started. Also, the system automatically removes the uploaded file 24 hours after processing.

to Juvare solutions and have a login email. For details about the upload process, go to the article,

Upload Contacts.Download

You can download the template from within eICS. To access it, point to Planning and click Contacts. On the upper right, click Upload Contacts. On the Upload Contacts window, click Download Template and the template will automatically download according to your browser settings.

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Formatting and Conventions


Note: The system automatically removes the uploaded file 24 hours after processing has been completed.

Formatting and Conventions

To successfully upload contacts, it is helpful to understand the uses,

This section describes the template, including the

fields, formatting, and conventions

that are necessary to successfully upload contacts

for contact data.

The Contact

Upload template

Template can be used to:

  • Upload contacts to facilities (not domains)
    • Generate the Contact Report
    • Update existing contacts across one or more facilities
    Upload contacts to one facility at a time
    • Add new contacts
    (not update existing
    • Remove contacts
    • Automatically identify contacts' phone numbers

    Data added to the template must comply with the following formatting and conventions:

    • The
    • uploaded file must contain all
    data columns in the order specified
    • columns, as in the template.
    • The first row in the file must be populated with headers and each column header must contain the name of that data element as specified in the template
    .Column headers that appear orange are required contingent on the other data provided for a contact. For example, a username and primary email are only required for internal contacts that are granted Facility Access and expected to log in to eICS. Similarly, either the First Name and Last Name or Organization must be provided for every contact. If the cell for a required element is blank, the row will be invalid
    • .
  • If a username is provided for a contact, it must be unique. That is, it cannot match any other username in the file or the username of contacts currently in your eICS facility.
    • The contact’s First Name and Last Name together cannot duplicate any other contact in the same facility.
    • The phone number must be valid and complete
    . An
    • and an extension of 1-6 characters is
    • allowed. For example,
    • +1-404-555-
    • 1234 X123456.
    • The email address must be formatted correctly.
    • Any blank rows must be removed from the file before uploading.
    • The file cannot be larger than 50 MB.

    If the elements in the data file do not meet these requirements, validation errors will occur. You can still upload a file with validation errors, however only the valid records will be processed and added to your facility.

    Template Data Fields

    The template contains the following data columns




    Format/Valid Values


    First Name

    Max: 32 alphabetic characters 

    Either First and Last Name or Organization must be provided.

    Middle Name

    Max: 32 alphabetic characters 



    Last Name

    Max: 64 alphabetic characters 

    Either First and Last Name or Organization must be provided.


    Max: 100 alphabetic characters 

    Either First and Last Name or Organization must be provided.


    Max: 100 alphabetic characters



    Max: 50 alphabetic characters


    Facility Access

    • Facility Administrator

    • Facility Staff

    • Facility Staff Limited

    • External Contact



    Max: 32 alphanumeric characters

    Must have a Username to access eICS. When Facility Access is specified as Facility Administrator, a Username must be provided.

    Login Email

    Max: 128 alphanumeric characters in standard format (for example, name@domain.ext)

    When Username is specified, the Primary Email must be provided.



    Primary Phone


     64 numeric characters in standard format (for example, 555-555-5555 X123456)

    30 alphabetic characters


    Facility Access

    • Facility Admin
    • Facility Staff
    • Facility Staff Limited
    • External Contact


    Contact Emails

    Max: 128 alphanumeric

    When Username is specified, the Primary Phone must be provided.

    Primary Phone Type

    • Business

    • Home

    • Mobile

    • Other


    Secondary Phone

    Max: 64 numeric

    characters in standard format (for example,

    555-555-5555 X123456)

     name@domain.ext). Multiple emails must be separated with a semicolon.


    Contact Phones Voice

    Phone numbers must be entered in the international format, with the plus and country code. For example, +14045551234x123456. Multiple numbers must be separated with a semicolon.


    Contact Phones Text

    Phone numbers must be entered in the international format, with the plus and country code. For example, +14045551234. Multiple numbers must be separated with a semicolon.


    Plan Positions and Groups

    For more information about the position and group names for a facility, go to Planning > Plan Summary; in the Summary for list, select the facility; in the Plan list, select the plan; on the left, under ICS Chart, review the positions and groups


    Note: If you think a contact is already using another Juvare solution, such as EMResource or EMTrack, you can include them in the Contact Upload and if available, their details will be imported from the other solution


    Secondary Phone Type

    • Business

    • Home

    • Mobile

    • Other


    Tertiary Phone

    Max: 64 numeric characters in standard format (for example, 555-555-5555 X123456)


    Tertiary Phone Type

    • Business

    • Home

    • Mobile

    • Other


    Secondary Email

    Max: 128 alphanumeric characters in standard format (for example, name@domain.ext)


    Tertiary Email

    Max: 128 alphanumeric characters in standard format (for example, name@domain.ext)


    Authentication Method


    Yes, this field must be empty.

    Resource Type

    • Internal

    • External


    ICS Positions and GroupPosition names separated by semicolonNoText PhoneNumeric characters in standard format (+1-333-333-1234).NoTip: If you believe the contact is already using another product such as EMResource or EMTrack, do not include that individual in the data file. Instead, use the eICS contact import feature



    The upload process automatically includes validation of the contact data. Validation entails verifying the file and data formatting against specified conventions. If errors are detected, a message appears in the Upload Contacts window that directs you to download the Validation File, which can be opened

    in Excel

    for review

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    Contacts that do not contain errors are highlighted in green and have been uploaded. Contacts that contain errors are highlighted in red. Comments describing the errors are provided to the right of the last titled data column


    After reviewing and correcting errors in the Validation File, you can delete these comments and upload the file again. Panel
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