During the Planning phase, Domain and Facility Administrators can manually add contacts or use the Contact Upload template to quickly add multiple contacts to their facility. 

The template is a Microsoft® Excel® file (.xls or .xlsx) that is structured with columns for specific information in a specific order. The column header indicates what information should be provided there and the color of the column header indicates whether or not that information might be required. Information requirements are contingent on other fields. For example, a Username is only required for internal contacts that are granted Facility Access and expected to log in to eICS. 

During the upload, contact information is automatically validated. Validation detects errors and identifies them in the Validated File, which can then be downloaded for review and correction before uploading the file again. When the upload process is complete and the contacts have been created, eICS sends the standard Welcome message to the new contacts to help them get started. Also, the system automatically removes the uploaded file 24 hours after processing. For details about the upload process, go to the article, Upload Contacts.

Download the Template

You can download the template from within eICS. To access it, point to Planning and click Contacts. On the upper right, click Upload Contacts. On the Upload Contacts window, click Download Template and the template will automatically download according to your browser settings.

Formatting and Conventions

This section describes the template, including the fields, formatting, and conventions that are necessary to successfully upload contacts.

The Contact Upload template can be used to:

Data added to the template must comply with the following formatting and conventions:

If the elements in the data file do not meet these requirements, validation errors will occur. You can still upload a file with validation errors, however only the valid records will be processed and added to your facility.

Template Data Fields

The template contains the following data columns:


Format/Valid Values


First Name

Max: 32 alphabetic characters 

Either First and Last Name or Organization must be provided.

Middle Name

Max: 32 alphabetic characters 


Last Name

Max: 64 alphabetic characters 

Either First and Last Name or Organization must be provided.


Max: 100 alphabetic characters 

Either First and Last Name or Organization must be provided.


Max: 100 alphabetic characters



Max: 50 alphabetic characters


Facility Access

  • Facility Administrator

  • Facility Staff

  • Facility Staff Limited

  • External Contact



Max: 32 alphanumeric characters

Must have a Username to access eICS. When Facility Access is specified as Facility Administrator, a Username must be provided.

Primary Email

Max: 128 alphanumeric characters in standard format (for example, name@domain.ext)

When Username is specified, the Primary Email must be provided.

Primary Phone

Max: 64 numeric characters in standard format (for example, 555-555-5555 X123456)

When Username is specified, the Primary Phone must be provided.

Primary Phone Type

  • Business

  • Home

  • Mobile

  • Other


Secondary Phone

Max: 64 numeric characters in standard format (for example, 555-555-5555 X123456)


Secondary Phone Type

  • Business

  • Home

  • Mobile

  • Other


Tertiary Phone

Max: 64 numeric characters in standard format (for example, 555-555-5555 X123456)


Tertiary Phone Type

  • Business

  • Home

  • Mobile

  • Other


Secondary Email

Max: 128 alphanumeric characters in standard format (for example, name@domain.ext)


Tertiary Email

Max: 128 alphanumeric characters in standard format (for example, name@domain.ext)


Authentication Method

Note: Identification of authentication methods is not yet available, but is coming soon.

  • eICS

  • Alternative Authentication


Resource Type

  • Internal

  • External


Tip: If you believe the contact is already using another product such as EMResource or EMTrack, do not include that individual in the data file. Instead, use the eICS contact import feature.


The upload process automatically includes validation of the contact data. Validation entails verifying the file and data formatting against specified conventions. If errors are detected, a message appears in the Upload Contacts window that directs you to download the Validation File, which can be opened in Excel for review. 

Contacts that do not contain errors are highlighted in green. Contacts that contain errors are highlighted in red. Comments describing the errors are provided to the right of the last titled data column. After reviewing and correcting errors in the Validation File, you can delete these comments and upload the file again. A message appears in the Upload Contacts window to let you know when the contacts have been successfully uploaded.