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If you need further assistance, contact Juvare Support. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

Our Support Team

Our support team is ready and willing to help with technical questions about your Juvare solutions. Our team is an agile group, with vast experience and knowledge that includes a comprehensive understanding of IT principles, as well as advanced software and hardware capabilities. Everyone on the team enjoys sharing their skills and finding solutions.

Carlos Trigo

Director, Product Support

Carlos comes to Juvare with more than 20 years of experience in customer and end user support, with the last 10 focusing on the healthcare industry. He holds several certifications, including IT project management.

Carlos currently lives in Pittsburgh, PA, with his wife and two sons. In his free time, he enjoys learning (mostly useless) new skills and is an amateur beekeeper.


Elaine Schweitzer

Manager, Product Support

With over 20 years of experience in sales and service roles at Juvare, Elaine Schweitzer now manages the Juvare Support Center. Elaine knows all the ins and outs of Juvare solutions and actively stays on top of developments to lead the Support Team with a sincere dedication to taking care of clients.

Jason Goff

Product Support Specialist Tier II

Jason has been with Juvare since September 2014, and he has over 15 years of experience providing excellent customer support.

Outside of work, Jason enjoys reading, playing board and video games with his family, and binge watching television shows with his wife, usually a full season behind release.

Chris McElfresh

Product Support Specialist Tier II

Chris is a long-time customer service professional with experience in networking, web design, programming and PC hardware. He combines these things with his love for problem solving to approach issues from a thoroughly logical perspective.

In his free time, Chris is a musician, artist, gamer, retro game collector and film aficionado. He also dabbles in physics- and graphics-programming from time to time.

Matthew Ajoseh

Product Support Specialist

Matthew joined the team in May 2018 with several years of experience providing exceptional customer support. At work, he strives to be a reliable team player by keeping a positive attitude, maintaining integrity, learning and applying new information, and he desires to exemplify his skills and attributes to benefit each client.

In his spare time, Matthew enjoys spending time with family, exercising, reading, and watching action movies and documentaries.

Kai Hill

Product Support Specialist

Kai started with Juvare in May 2021. She has a background in public safety and systems, in addition to 10+ years in customer service.

During her spare time, Kai enjoys traveling, spending time with family and friends, exploring outdoor activities, volunteering, and doing community service.

Jeremee Robinson

Product Support Specialist

Jeremee started working at Juvare in September 2018, bringing 10+ years of technical and customer support to the table. He works hard to deliver exceptional support for each and every client by forwarding important personal values such as being positive, selfless, and respectful.

In his spare time, Jeremee enjoys reading personal enhancement materials, learning about random things, playing video games, and producing music.

Rawle Alexander

Product Support Specialist

Virginia Dial

Product Support Specialist

Virginia started her journey with Juvare in January 2019. She brings over 15 years of customer service, with over 5 years in the technology field. She has a BSIT in Software Applications Programming.

When not helping our clients, Virginia enjoys music, video games, vacationing, and reading with her growing family.

Rusne Ciuprinskiene 

Product Support Specialist

Rusne started with Juvare in May 2021 and is based in Kaunas, Lithuania. 

Rusne has been working with customer support since 2008. She has a lot of experience in various types of projects and companies – from credit control to healthcare. She has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and master’s degree in Strategical Leadership (HR).

In her free time, Rusne enjoys cycling, travelling, and painting.