Home > EMResource > Guide - Forms > Opt Out of Resource Forms

There are two ways of delivering forms. By default, you receive all forms you are responsible for completing and submitting. In addition, if you have the right to a resource, you will receive all forms designated for that resource, both pending and completed.

However, through your profile, you can opt out of forms sent to the resources to which you have rights. As a result, you will only receive the forms that are sent specifically to you.

Even when you opt out of resource forms, if you have the appropriate reporting rights, you will still have access to form data through form reports. Likewise, with appropriate permissions, you can change this right on your profile and/or assign this right to another person that you manage, by selecting it in the Advanced Options section of their profile. For more information about this, go to the procedure Edit a User.

To opt out of resource forms

  1. In the main menu, click Setup and, in the list, click Roles. The Roles List
  2. Locate the role and, on that row, click Edit. The Edit Role page opens.
  3. In the Select the Rights for this Role list, select the Form - Do not participate in forms for resources checkbox.
    Tip: When viewing rights that you can add to a user's profile, a red asterisk (*) may appear next to a right. This indicates the right is inherited from this user's role. There is no need to add these to the profile, as the user already has these rights.
  4. Click Save.