Home > EMTrack > EMTrack Juvare Events > Create a New Event > Create a Single Event

To create a single event

  1. In the General information section, enter the requested information, including the Event name, Short form, Event start time, Event end time, and Location.
  2. In the Display settings section, verify that the Default language and Event timezone are correct.
  3. Optionally, in the Timeline section, specify the Start of presale and End of presale date and time.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. If you want to give patients the ability to contact you, for Contact address, enter an email address.
  6. If you want this event to appear on your public portal site, select the Show in lists check box.
  7. If you are using EMTrack and Juvare Events together, enter your AgencyNumber.
  8. Save your event.
  9. Click the Texts tab.
  10. For Frontpage text, enter any custom text you want to appear for your event..
  11. Click Save.
  12. On the left, click Products.
  13. On the right, click the garbage icon to delete products that are not needed.
  14. If necessary, to edit a product, click the product name.
  15. If necessary, take any of these actions.
    1. On the General tab, take any of these actions.
      1. For Item name, edit the name.
      2. Select the Buying this product requires approval check box.
    2. On the Availability tab, select the This product can only be bought using a voucher check box.
    3. Click Save.
  16. On the left, click Quotas.
  17. Click Create a new quota.
    1. For Name, enter the quota name. You can use any name for the quota.
    2. If you wish to limit the number of attendees, for Total capacity, enter the number of tickets you want to create.
    3. In the Items section, for Products, select the products to which you want to apply this quota.
    4. Click Save.
  18. If you want to use vouchers, on the left, click Vouchers.
    1. Click create one voucher or many vouchers.
    2. When creating one voucher, you may edit the existing text in the Voucher code field or you may keep the text that appears. Specify how many times this code can be used and whether or not it should only be used on specific products.
    3. When creating many vouchers, you may type or paste the codes into the Codes field. If you prefer, you can have the system generate random codes for you by specifying the number of codes you want and then clicking Generate random codes. Specify how many times each code can be used and whether or not they should only be used on specific products.
    4. Click Save.
  19. Toward the top, click Go to shop. Make sure the event appears the way you want because this is the web address you will give to attendees to register for your event.
  20. On the left, click Dashboard.
  21. On the upper left, click Your ticket shop is in private test mode.
  22. Click Disable test mode.
  23. Click Go live.