Home > EMSupply > EMSupply Inventory > Line Item Batches

For some line items, you may want to capture details for different batches of inventory. Batches represent a new inventory check in record, with unique stock or segments of inventory for a single line item.

On the line item details, in the Inventory area, batches are lightly demarcated sections that have unique quantities, dates, statuses, costs, and purchase order or serial numbers.

Batches are created on a line item by clicking Add Inventory. A new section appears, with details auto-populated according to the previous batch, and you can update or clear these details to record the new batch of inventory.

For example, say you order 50 vials of a medicine and it arrives in two shipments. You enter the details for this order, including purchase date, cost, and purchase number (PO number). When one shipment arrives, you update the details to indicate the correct quantity and date received. When the second shipment arrives, you create a new batch. Details for the new batch are auto populated from the previous batch. You retain the purchase date, cost, and PO number, but update the quantity, lot number, and received date.

Additional notes about line item batches:

  • The total quantity of a line item is the sum of quantities in its batches. For example, if you have an item with two batches, one that has a quantity of 13 and one with 12, the inventory table will show a total On Hand quantity of
  • For assets that have unique serial numbers or other identifiers on each item, you can create a unique batch for each item, even when all other details are the same, to improve tracking and maintenance.
  • For some items, such as consumables, you may find it easier to create a single batch and simply update the quantity as needed.