Home > EMTrack > EMTrack Filters > Delete a Filter

You can delete any filter you created. The system allows you to delete a filter, even if it is currently in use in one of your dashboards. When you return to that dashboard, the associated gadget will be in configuration mode so that you can select a different filter or remove the gadget.

If you delete a filter that is used in a dashboard your division owns or one of your shared dashboards, the change is reflected in those users' dashboards.

 To delete a filter

  1. Click the Filters tab.
  2. In the left pane, click the Find Filters link. A window opens.
  3. Select the appropriate tab:
    1. My Filters
    2. Your division or region
    3. All
  4. Click the filter. The window closes and the Filters tab shows the details for this filter.
  5. Click the Delete button. A window opens asking you to confirm the deletion.
  6. Click Yes.