You can edit account details for the users you manage. You can manage the user's locations and/or roles from this page. Refer to Manage a User's Roles for details.

To edit a user account

  1. On the upper right, click System Settings.
  2. On the left, under Users & Devices, click Users. The Users page opens.
  3. Locate the user you want to edit and, on that row, click the edit icon. The User Administration - Update window opens.
  4. Add, edit, or update this information.



    First Name, Middle Name, Last Name

    User's name.


    User's organization affiliation.

    Time Zone

    User's time zone.


    Indicates whether the user's account is active.

    Work Phone, Mobile Phone, Text Pager, Email

    User's contact information.

    State, Level, License #, Authorized to Order Medication

    User's healthcare provider information, such as the state, level (doctor, nurse, EMT), license number, and whether they are authorized to order medication.

    PIN AccessIndicates whether the account has PIN access enabled; and if so, identifies the PIN.

    Policy Statements Accepted

    Policy statements the user accepted in order to have access to EMTrack. If your region is not using this feature, the table is blank.

  5. At the bottom of the window, click Audit, Filters, Dashboards, Manage Roles, or Change Password to analyze or update this information for the user. 
  6. Click Update.