Home > EMResource > Getting Started > Log In and Password Reset

You must have an active Juvare account associated with your email address to log in.

Logging In

There are two different paths available for logging in. The path you take depends on whether your organizations uses Single Sign On (SSO), which allows you to access multiple solutions with a single password. If you are unsure about the SSO, start the procedure and see which path seems applicable at step five.

To log in

  1. To access your Juvare solution, navigate to https://login.juvare.com.
  2. For Email, enter the login email address associated with your account.
  3. If appropriate, select the Remember me checkbox.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Take one of these actions.

    If your organization...Then...
    Uses Juvare's Single Sign On (SSO),

    Your organization's log in screen opens.

    1. Enter your login email.
    2. Click Next.
    3. For Enter password, enter the password associated with your account. 
    4. Click Sign In. The Juvare Solution Center opens.
    5. You may see a page that asks you to Enter code. If so, use your multifactor authentication service to generate the code and then enter it.
    6. If necessary, click Verify. The Juvare Login Services page opens.
    Does not use SSO,

    A new window opens.

    1. For Enter password, enter the password associated with your account. 
    2. Click Sign In. The Juvare Login Services page opens.

  6. Click the name of the solution you want to use. The solution opens.

    : If you do not see the name of the solution you re trying to access, it could be that:
    1. Your account has not yet been migrated to Juvare Login Services; contact the Juvare Support Center for assistance. 
    2. You accessed EMTrack or EMSupply instead; use the procedure above to open eICS or EMResource and then, on the upper left, point to the name of the solution and in the menu, select the solution you want to access.


If you are unable to access your account, it is likely that the password you entered is incorrect. To reset your password, please use the Need help signing in? and Forgot Password? links on the login page. 

To reset your password

  1. On the login page, click Need help?, and/or Forgot Password?. The Reset Password page opens.
  2. Enter the primary email address associated with your account.
  3. Click Reset via Email
  4. Check your inbox for an email from no-reply@juvare.com or no-reply@login.juvare.com.
    Note: If you do not receive the reset password email, try to log in directly through your instance of EMResource.
  5. Open the email and click Reset Password. You are redirected. 
  6. Follow the instructions to complete resetting your password.

To log in through EMResource

  1. To access your EMResource solution, navigate to https://emresource.juvare.com.
  2. Follow the steps above to log in.

After this, if you are still unable to log in, please contact the Juvare Support Center at 877-771-0911.