Home > EMTrack > EMTrack Regional Settings > Manage Daily Tracking

As a Regional Administrator, you decide whether the Daily Tracking option is available when creating Web and Mobile "add" forms in your region.

When Daily Tracking is enabled on the regional level, you have the option to select it or not when creating "add" forms. Selecting Daily Tracking when creating a form, means the form will appear on the short list of forms available when the run clock has been started. Daily tracking options are configured by designing the form and editing the Tracking Number element.

To enable or disable daily tracking

  1. On the upper right, click System Settings.
  2. On the left, under Other Settings, click Regional SettingsThe Regional Settings page opens.
  3. In the Other Settings section, for Enable Daily Patient Tracking, take one of these actions.
    1. To enable tracking, select the check box.
    2. To disable tracking, clear the check box.
  4. Click Save.