Home > CORES HAN > HAN Organizations > Membership Status

The organization membership status indicates whether users are accepted into an organization. The Members page of a selected organization displays its members and users who have requested membership in the organization.

Administrators can change a user's organization membership status. These statuses should be used to show the user and other administrators the action taken on the submitted request.

Membership Statuses

  • Accepted - the user has been accepted into the organization and can view organization details and contact information.

  • Rejected - the administrator has denied the user's request to join the organization.

  • Pending - the administrator has not taken any action on the user's request to join the organization. This status is set automatically for all new requests.

  • Researching - the administrator is gathering additional information to determine whether the user's organization affiliation is authentic.

  • Withdrawn – the user submitted a request to join or already belonged to an organization and then withdrew or cancelled their membership.