The solution is designed to help you locate the information you need. While each page contains information specific to your current need, the basic layout of each page remains constant so that you might become familiar with the solution in a short period of time.

Top Banner and Footer

At the top of every page, there are several bars or layers of information that orient you in the solution and help you locate and access relevant information. Collectively, these bars are referred to as the top banner. Individually, these bars are known as the solution bar, navigation bar, events bar, and page utilities. Each bar presents certain features that may be available consistently, on every page at all times, or temporarily depending on a variety of circumstances.



Solution Bar

  • Main menu, on the left, offers access to other Juvare solutions, regions, links, administrative set up, views, events, forms, reports, and more.
  • Juvare logo, which opens your Region Default view.
  • Name of the solution, which is helpful when rapidly moving between solutions.
  • Quick links, which appear only when appropriate to notify you about and act as links to items that require your attention.
  • Notifications icon appears only when you have new or snoozed notifications that require your attention.
  • Search, help, and region contact icons help you find or provide access to relevant information.
  • User account badge, on the right, displays your name and region, while also offering access to view and update your profile or log out.

Navigation Bar

Comprised of breadcrumbs, these chips identify your current location in the solution and act shortcuts to your home page and other sections and pages in the available menus.

  • Home link, on the left, identifies your region and offers quick access to return to your home page.
  • Section menu identifies the section in which the current page is located. Open this menu for quick access to other sections.
  • Page menu, when available, offers access to other pages in the current section.
  • Active events count, displays the number of events and allows you to expand and contract the events bar.

Events Bar

The events bar displays notices or reminders about events that are happening in your region. Event notices are color-coded, according to selections made during event template creation, and you can click a notice to immediately open the page and get more information. The events bar can be expanded or contracted during your session.

Page Utilities

The page utilities bar provides immediate access to features such as system notices, the map, customization, printing, page-level help, and other features. While the bar is always visible, the links available on the bar change depending on the page you are viewing.

The footer, located at the bottom of every page includes information about the solution, including the copyright, solution name and version, and a link to the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.