Home > EMSupply > EMSupply Resource Requests > Replace Inventory on a Resource Request

If necessary, inventory on an active resource request can be replaced when it is in the Confirmed - Approved for Picking or In Picking status. This feature allows you to replace the requested item with another, similar item. This especially helpful when the wrong item was accidentally requested, or a requested item is unavailable.

To replace inventory on a resource request

  1. On the Requests and Shipments tab, click Resource Requests.
  2. To filter the requests, click the pill with the specified status.
  3. Locate the request and, on that row, click the edit icon. The Manage Resource Request page opens.
  4. In the Approve Inventory area, locate the item and, on that row, click the replace icon. The Replace [Item] window opens.
  5. Select or clear the Only Available Items check box.
  6. Locate a suitable replacement item and click that row. The Replace [Item] window opens.
  7. Click OK.