This announcement describes changes made in the eICS 3.10 release, which is scheduled for March 21, 2018. More information is available through the Online Help or by contacting your Customer Success Manager.

Added Vulnerability and Preparedness to HVA Dashboard and Reports

Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) results in the Top Risks table on the HVA dashboard and in reports were updated to include two new columns, Vulnerability and Preparedness.

Vulnerability is a percentage that indicates the comparative significance of a hazard. It is calculated based on answers provided on the Threat Evaluation regarding probability, magnitude, and mitigation. Preparedness, on the other hand, is the actual response provided on the Threat Evaluation regarding a facility’s level of pre-planning for the hazard. At the coalition, domain, or health system level, preparedness includes the responses from all facilities in the group and indicates the percentage of facilities that provided each response.

Added Safety Briefings and Situational Updates to Event Log and Reports

In addition to other entry types, entries added manually to the Event Log can now be identified as Safety Briefings or Situational Updates.

These new entry types are selected on the Add Log Entry window and are used to identify entries on the Event Log tab, as well as on the Recent Events ticker. Entries designated as Safety Briefings or Situational Updates appear on corresponding reports and can be shared with WebEOC when configured accordingly.

Introduced the Ability to Disable Notifications

On the Incident Dashboard, you can now disable notifications so that you do not receive phone, email, or mobile notifications while logged in to the Web solution. This is especially helpful for users working in the command center, who are enacting and/or watching updates live in eICS and do not need additional notifications.

Added the Ability to Sort Not Yet Started Objectives

On the Objectives tab of the Incident Dashboard, you can reorder objectives to appear by the highest ranked, highest priority, most recently updated, and now, those that have not yet been started. Sorting makes it easier for individual users and teams to identify and work on objectives more effectively.