Home > EMTrack > EMTrack FAQs > What are the Access Levels to EMTrack?

The EMTrack mobile app can be downloaded by anyone, but it can only be accessed by users who have been given a registered account by your Regional or Local Administrator. After using your credentials to log in to a registered account, you are able to enter data using EMTrack. It is promptly uploaded to the cloud and deleted from your device. In the event that your device is offline, the data is encrypted until the device is online again. At that point, the data is uploaded and deleted from your device.

EMTrack has three levels of access. PIN access, patient loading access, and password access. PIN users are able to enter data. With the regional option "Allow Loading of Patient Data for PIN users and EMTrack Lite users", PIN and EMTrack Lite users that know a patient’s tracking number are able to retrieve that patient data. Password users are able to enter and retrieve data.

Juvare recommends that volunteers only be provided PIN access unless they are expected to review dashboards and perform data quality checks. In that case, the volunteer will require higher levels of access that are only available using a Password.